Dr. Catena participated in the SEGI (Society of Italian Gynecologic Endoscopy) congress held in Naples, Italy, December 12-14, 2024. She gave two presentations on uterine malformations and the role of Tissue Removal Devices in office hysteroscopy and participated in the Live Sugery with a case of office hysteroscopic myomectomy.
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Dr Catena participated to the 53rd Global AAGL congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (MIGS), held in New Orleans, Louisiana (US).
Dr Catena was invited to speak about Conservative Treatment of Endometrial Cancer, with a presentation titled “WHAT ARE THE MOLECULAR, GENOMIC, GENERATIONAL, AND RACIAL/ETHNIC CONSIDERATION IN FERTILITY-SPARING ENDOMETRIAL CANCER TREATMENT?”
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Dr Ursula Catena participated to the T.H.E. (Transfrontalier Hysteroscopic Educational) Course, held in Udine.
She organized a live surgery session from CLASS Hysteroscopy Center in Rome.
She showed 4 live cases: 1) complete uterine septum with cervical septum; 2) uterine niche; 3) Y-shaped uterus with G3 and G2 fibroids; 4) Y-shaped uterus.
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Ursula Catena participated as Surgeon to the Live Surgery of the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction) Congress.
The Live Surgery was transmitted from CHU Brugmann in Bruxelles.
The Congress Venue was in Amsterdam with 11.000 participants.
She treated a challenging case of complex uterine malformation.
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Dr Ursula Catena participated as Speaker to the Annual Meeting “International Minimal Access Surgery (IMAS) Conference”, held in Dubai on May 23th, 2024.
She shared her knowledges on the use of Tissue Removal Devices and on Fertility Sparing Treatment of women with Endometrial Cancer.
She also received a Plaque of Appreciation for her contribution and dedication.
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Dr. Catena participated in "Class Ultrasound: 4 Days with Us," where she presented her data on hysteroscopic surgery of uterine malformations and operated live on a case of complete septum with partial cervical septum.
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Dr Catena participated as Surgeon to the EndoPoland Forum 2024, the 1st International Conference on Endometriosis in Poland.
She treated a case of dysmorfic uterus, adenomyosis and infertility.
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Dr. Ursula Catena participated in the Course "ISSA Hysteroscopy Academy: Integrated Approach in the Treatment of Endouterine Pathologies," held at IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria in Negrar di Valpolicella (VR).
During the course, he gave a lecture on the treatment of uterine malformations and their impact on obstetric outcomes, and operated live on a case of complete uterine septum with cervical septum.