2024 marks an unprecedented milestone for the CLASS Hysteroscopy Center which, four years after its inauguration in January 2021, confirms its status as the largest and most innovative digital hysteroscopy center in the world. With 7,619 procedures performed this year—986 more than in 2023—a result never before recorded has been achieved. This extremely significant figure attests to the center’s efficiency and unique excellence on a global level.
Equipped with three operating rooms, the center integrates advanced digital technology, including 3D ultrasound scanners and miniaturized hysteroscopic instruments, offering personalized diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of endouterine conditions. This integrated approach enables the successful management of complex cases, such as congenital malformations and uterine tumors, ensuring a level of diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy unparalleled in the field.
Read more: The CLASS Hysteroscopy digital hysteroscopy center turns 4 years old
On April 19th, Dr Catena was invited for a Masterclass in Riga East University Hospital.
She performed as LIVE SURGEON with different procedures (uterine malformations, fibroids) and participated as a SPEAKER, sharing her knowledges
Dr. Ursula Catena talks, in an interview with the program Le Iene aired April 9, 2024, about Rokitansky syndrome, a rare condition characterized by the congenital absence of a uterus and vagina
Third year of CLASS Hysteroscopy.
6633 procedures performed in 2023!
+1378 procedures compared to 5255 procedures in 2022.
+3383 procedures compared to 3520 procedures in 2021.
Great work and special thanks to the whole team!!!!
In the first 2023 issue of Gemelli Informa magazine, an article dedicated to the activities and numbers of Class Hysteroscopy Center of the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli I.R.C.C.S.