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3D digital hysteroscopy discover a procedure
Minimally invasive
Class Hysteroscopy Center

The new Class Hysteroscopy center of Policlinico Gemelli in Rome is the largest and most advanced center in the world, it is specifically designed for performing digital hysteroscopy

Advanced Technologies

The new center is equipped with the best technologies available. Procedures are performed by combining 3D ultrasound systems with the last generation of endoscopic surgical systems

A minimally invasive procedure

Digital hysteroscopy procedures allow a better post-operative course, with few hours of hospitalization and a fast resumption of daily activities

Gynecological Pathologies
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Endometrial Polyps

Endometrial polyps are focal benign neoformations of the endometrial mucosa consisting of a stromal axis lined with cylindrical epithelium, containing a variable amount of blood vessels.
They can be single or multiple, sessile or pedunculated.
Find out how to treat them

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Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas or myomas) consisting of smooth muscle and a variable amount of connective tissue, are the most common benign solid tumors of the female genital tract, affecting 20–25% of women of reproductive age.

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Uterine malformations

Congenital uterine malformations (CUM) are deviations from normal anatomy resulting from incorrect embryological development. 5.5% of women are affected if we consider the general population, 8.0% of infertile women, 13.3% if we consider women with a history of spontaneous abortions and 24.5% considering those with previous miscarriages and infertility.

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Endometrial cancer in chilbearing age patients

Endometrial cancer accounts for about 5% of female cancers worldwide. In 2020, 417,367 new cases of endometrial cancer were registered worldwide. Of these patients, about 3% are aged between 15 and 44 years (Globocan2020).

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Placental Remnant

Residual products of conception (RPOC) can occur after an early or late abortion, after an early or late pregnancy termination (TOP), or after a vaginal delivery or caesarean section. This event appears to complicate approximately 1% of full-term pregnancies. Traditionally, treatment of RPOC is dilation and curettage (D&C) of the uterine cavity. The risk of intrauterine adhesions after repeated D&C for placental remnants is reported to be about 40% of cases.

Read our latest activities
ESHRE 2024

ESHRE 2024
Ursula Catena participated as Surgeon to the Live Surgery of the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction) Congress.
The Live Surgery was transmitted from CHU Brugmann in Bruxelles.
The Congress Venue was in Amsterdam with 11.000 participants.
She treated a challenging case of complex uterine malformation.

IMAS 2024

IMAS 2024
Dr Ursula Catena participated as Speaker to the Annual Meeting “International Minimal Access Surgery (IMAS) Conference”, held in Dubai on May 23th, 2024.
She shared her knowledges on the use of Tissue Removal Devices and on Fertility Sparing Treatment of women with Endometrial Cancer.
She also received a Plaque of Appreciation for her contribution and dedication.

Class Ultrasound 2024

Class Ultrasound 2024
Dr. Catena participated in "Class Ultrasound: 4 Days with Us," where she presented her data on hysteroscopic surgery of uterine malformations and operated live on a case of complete septum with partial cervical septum.

EndoPoland Forum 2024

EndoPoland Forum 2024
Dr Catena participated as Surgeon to the EndoPoland Forum 2024, the 1st International Conference on Endometriosis in Poland.
She treated a case of dysmorfic uterus, adenomyosis and infertility.

ISAA 2024

ISSA Hysteroscopy Academy 2024
Dr. Ursula Catena participated in the Course "ISSA Hysteroscopy Academy: Integrated Approach in the Treatment of Endouterine Pathologies," held at IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria in Negrar di Valpolicella (VR).

Hartur 2024

Hartus Meeting 2024
Dr Catena participated in the first HARTUS Miting, the First Meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and UltraSonography in the Infertility Work-up.
She presented a lecture on the Hysteroscopic Treatment of Cesarean Scar Disorders and she chaired a Symposium on Endometriosis and Infertility.

Masterclass Riga 2024

Masterclass Riga 2024
On April 19th, Dr Catena was invited for a Masterclass in Riga East University Hospital.
She performed as LIVE SURGEON with different procedures (uterine malformations, fibroids) and participated as a SPEAKER, sharing her knowledges

Hyst meet Ultrasound Feb 43

19-20 February 2024
The last edition of the "CLASS Hysteroscopy: where hysteroscopy meets ultrasound" course was held on 19 and 420 February 2024.
The course aims to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary for the treatment under ultrasound guidance of simple and complex pathologies. The program consists of theoretical lessons, live clinical cases from the CLASS HYSTEROSCOPY Center and practical sessions according to the ESGE GESEA Program, using transvaginal simulators, ultrasound machines, hysteroscopic trainers (Dry and Wet LAB, GESEA HYSTT 1 and 2 exercises).
This edition was attended by colleagues from different parts of Europe

Class Hysteroscopy 2023

Class Hysteroscopy 2023
6633 procedures performed in 2023!
+1378 procedures compared to 5255 procedures in 2022.
+3383 procedures compared to 3520 procedures in 2021.
Great work and special thanks to the whole team!!!!
Leggi l'articolo e guarda le foto

ESGE 2023

ESGE 2023
LIVE SURGERY performed by Dr. Ursula Catena during ESGE (European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy) 2023 Congress in Bruxelles.
Challenging case of Complete Uterine Septum + Double Cervix, with resection of complete uterine septum under transabdominal ultrasonographic guidance, sparing the 2 cervix.
Read the article and see our photos

SEGI 2023

SEGI 2023
Dr. Ursula Catena participated as surgeon during the live surgery session of the SEGI (Society of Italian Gynecologic Endoscopy) congress, held in Palermo, Italy, from the Class Hysteroscopy center of the Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS in Rome

ESHRE 2023

27 June 2023
It was a pleasure to organize and coordinate in Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli -IRCCS in Rome, the Live Surgery Session during the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 39th Annual Meeting.
During this session we presented different cases of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic reproductive surgery.
Thanks to Prof Stephan Gordts as scientific coordinator of the session.
Thanks to the other surgeons: Rudi Campo, Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, Manuel Maria Ianieri and Giovanni Panico.
Thanks to Prof. Antonia Carla Testa as expert ultrasound guidance.
Thanks to all the people who worked together with me to this big event!
Read the article and see our pics


7 - 10 May 2023
Rome is hosting GYNITALY: The 17th AAGL International Meeting on Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery (MIGS) in conjunction with ESGE (European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy) from May 7 to May 10, 2023.
Dr Ursula Catena organized the PG 4 Precongress Course on HYSTEROSCOPY, the Hysteroscopy LIVE SURGERY session from CLASS Hysteroscopy Center in Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS and the Hysteroscopy Session.
Check out the program and see our PICs

GHC 2023

ESGE Session during GCH congress in Sitges (Barcelona)
Dr Catena welcomed people during the session, as Chair of the ESGE SIG (special interest group) Hysteroscopy.
The session was chaired by three members of the SIG: Mercedes Andeyro, Milica Perovic and Branka Zegura.
Speakers of the session were:
• Carlo De Angelis (member of the SIG)
•Ertan Saridogan (ESGE editor of FVV journal)
• Amerigo Vitagliano (member of the SIG)
• Ursula Catena (chair of the SIG and ESGE Executive Board Member)

Gemelli Informa

Gemelli Informa
In the first 2023 issue of Gemelli Informa magazine, an article dedicated to the activities and numbers of Class Hysteroscopy Center of the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli I.R.C.C.S.

Hyst meet Ultrasound Apri 23

3-4 April 2023
The fourth edition of the "CLASS Hysteroscopy: where hysteroscopy meets ultrasound" course was held on 3 and 4 April 2023.
The course aims to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary for the treatment under ultrasound guidance of simple and complex pathologies. The program consists of theoretical lessons, live clinical cases from the CLASS HYSTEROSCOPY Center and practical sessions according to the ESGE GESEA Program, using transvaginal simulators, ultrasound machines, hysteroscopic trainers (Dry and Wet LAB, GESEA HYSTT 1 and 2 exercises).
This edition was attended by colleagues from different parts of Europe (Italy, Romania, Germany).
The next edition of the course will take place on 13-14 November 2023.

Endo Dubai 2023

24-26 February 2023
Dr. Ursula Catena participated in the 8th EndoDubai International Congress 2023.
She performed, as a surgeon, LIVE SURGERY procedures and participated as SPEAKER in several scientific sessions.

Benessere 2023

BenEssere - marzo2023
In the March 2023 issue of BenEssere magazine, an article dedicated to Class Hysteroscopy at Gemelli Hospital.

Esge Board

Dr Ursula Catena will be an ESGE Full Executive Board Member from next ESGE Congress in October 2022.


All you need to know about Septate Uterus in just one journal. Enjoy Hysteroscopy Newsletter and share this knowledge with your colleagues!!
Update: Now available the portuguese version Download


Dr Ursula Catena has been invited to join the board of FRONTIERS IN SURGERY Journal (Section “Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery”) as ASSOCIATE EDITOR

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Watch our videos
Class Hysteroscopy Presentazione
Discover Class Hysteroscopy (English Video)
At Policlinico Gemelli in Rome the largest center in the world for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
EndoDubai 2024
Dr. Catena receives during the gala evening of the EndoDubai 2024 conference the important "Early Achievement in Minimal Invasive Surgery" award for her early achievements in the field of minimally invasive surgery and in her teaching.
Le Iene 2024
Le Iene 2024
Dr. Catena talks in an interview with Le Iene about Rokitansky syndrome, a rare condition characterized by the congenital absence of a uterus and vagina
How to Hyst 2023
How to Hyst 2023
On December 14 and 15, the "How to Hyst" course was held, which, through simulation, allowed participants to practice in the field of modern hysteroscopy. Dr. Catena, scientific director of the course, talks about it.
GyneItaly 2023
GyneItaly 2023
A moment of the live surgery performed by Dr. Ursula Catena commented by Prof. Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo
Interiew RTL
Live interview on Friday January 27th 2023, on RTL 102.5 news with Dr. Ursula Catena, to talk about digital hysteroscopy and the CLASS Hysteroscopy Center of the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS
Class Hysteroscopy Demo
Class Hysteroscopy
Discover our center with a virtual tour
Class Hysteroscopy Rai
Class Hysteroscopy
Prof. Giovanni Scambia present Class Hysteroscopy center
Class Hysteroscopy Forum
Class Hysteroscopy
Professor Giovanni Scambia presents the new center of Policlinico Gemelli dedicated to diagnostic and operative hysteroscopies
Friendly Meeting - Save the Uterus - 2019
Live Surgery
Dr.Ursula Catena Live Surgery - Friendly Meeting 2019
SIGO 2020
Live Surgery
Dr. Ursula Catena LiveSurgery - SIGO 2020
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